MATERIALS: (For Necklace) 1 Skein Aqua and Silver "CCA" Brand Metallic Craft Cord 76 Silver Plated Pony Beads 1 Snowflake Concho (Great anytime of the year) 6 7 mm Gemocite Chevrons E-6000 (TM) Glue INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Cut 8 strands of Metallic Craft Cord 50" long. 2. Hold all 8 strands and tie a knot in the middle ( 25" from either end.) 3. Secure the knot to a board with a nail or to a table top. with masking tape. This will make it wasier to braid the cords. 4. Separate the 8 cords on each side of the knot into 3 groups. Left 2 cords Middle 4 cords Right 2 Cords Apply a dab of white glue to the end of each cord. When the glue is dried the ends of the cord will slip through the beads easily. 5. Pickup the left pair of cords and the right pair of cords and slip one pony bead onto all 4 of these cords. Slide pony bead up to knot; These 4 cords will be on top. 6. Separate the under set of 4 cords into 2 left, 2 right, and bring them forward on top of the first set. Slip 3ne pony bead onto this set of cords and push up below the first bead. 7. Continue to braid (bringing rear pairs of cords arouns top set of cords) until you have 28 pony beads on the craft cord. As you braid, slide the pony beads up towards each other. 8. Repeat steps 5 - 7 on the other side of the know. See PB-ILLUS.GIF for details concerning steps 2 - 7. 9. Thread all end of the craft cord through the slots of the concho starting from the back side to the front and back through the second slot to the back. It is best to do this 2 or 3 cords at a time and keep the cords straight as you go. Pull all of the ends so they are straight in the slot and the beads are next to the cross bar on the back of the concho. 10. Seperate the cord ends in groups of 4. Knot each group snugly to the cross bar in the back of the concho. Tie another knot in each group of 4 about 1 1/4" below the first knot. 11. Put 5 pony beads on each group of 4. Cut the craft cord so the ends are all the same length. 12. Put 2 small dots of glue on each spine of the snowflake concho. Place a Gemocite stone on each spine with a "V" pointed toward the center of the concho. Let Dry +end+